Axe Throwing League
We run multiple axe throwing leagues each year. Our leagues typically run 8 weeks, with 7 weeks of competition and the 8th week being a double elimination tournament. All skill levels are welcome and encouraged to join!
Email to be added to our roster
Next League Starts Thursday Sept 26th, 2024
All Skill Levels
Wether you are a first time thrower or have been throwing for years, we'd love to have you! Leagues are a great way to meet new people, learn a new skill or hone in your killshots.
League Perks
30 minutes of practice before each league night
1 hour free throwing during business hours each week
Winner gets next season league fees free
10% off drinks and merchandise on league nights

Weekly Competitions
We currently run our leagues through WATL . Each week you will compete in at least 4 head to head matches with multiple other league members. A minimum of 40 throws. We also have a good time laughing and enjoying getting to know everyone!