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Best Axe Throwing Venue in Franklin
Everything You Need to Know
Lane Rentals are $27.50/person for 1 hour
All throwers will receive coaching and a safety briefing
Reservations are recommended but not required
2 person minimum / 4 person maximum per lane (Groups over 4 people will have multiple lanes together)
Local Craft and Domestic Beers, Seltzers, Ciders and Sodas available for purchase
Outside food is welcomed but we ask you be aware of strong smells (NO OUTSIDE BEVERAGES)
Groups over 20 people E-mail us from our Contact Page to book your lanes together.
We want you to have all the info you need before booking!

Mobile Axe Throwing
What better way to liven up the party or event than to throw some axes! You bring the people and we bring the trailer, axes and fun. The mobile axe trailer is the perfect addition to any Birthday, Bachelor{ette} Party, Wedding, Corporate Event, Team Building gather, Backyard Bbq, or Festival.
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